Products, product details and prices are not accurate. This is a work in progress. Check back in September sometime and everything should be up to date. Projected completion is mid to late September. Lots of details to be worked out: Product information is in the process of being written and pricing is still being negotiated.
Ultimate Strenth
20,000 mg
Large 4 oz jar
The Power of 20,000mg CBD
in Every Application
The most highly concentrate of CBD in a 4 oz jar that we offer. This is an extremely high does, and I would advise trying a lower lower dosage first before using this product.
I recommend trying the 5,000mg first, then the 10,000mg and only use this high potency cream if those prove not to be strong enough.
Not only it there a very high high concentration of CBD, the cream is also rich in natural ingredients that work together to enhance the effects of CBD.
Arnica, Olive Oil and MCT coconut oil are just a few of the ingredients that work to enhance the CBD and absorb better into the skin.
in Every Application
The most highly concentrate of CBD in a 4 oz jar that we offer. This is an extremely high does, and I would advise trying a lower lower dosage first before using this product.
I recommend trying the 5,000mg first, then the 10,000mg and only use this high potency cream if those prove not to be strong enough.
Not only it there a very high high concentration of CBD, the cream is also rich in natural ingredients that work together to enhance the effects of CBD.
Arnica, Olive Oil and MCT coconut oil are just a few of the ingredients that work to enhance the CBD and absorb better into the skin.